Systemic Coaching

Individuals operate within a complex network of relationships, roles, organisational structures, and cultural norms. Systemic coaching explores how these interdependencies impact interpersonal dynamics, communication patterns, and performance of individuals and teams. Through the systemic lens, you can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying dynamics and make effective changes.
The individual as part of a larger context
To solve your topic, often a completely new look at the situation is required:
- Many problems are less an expression of individual inadequacies, but are rather the result of a system dynamic from the interaction between people.
- Systemic coaching and system constellations are about understanding yourself as an individual embedded in larger systems (organization / family etc.) and considering the dynamics of these systems.
This gives you new perspectives and solutions. Systems and their dynamics are changeable and can be influenced. Whether it is organizational, professional or family issues or you want to rethink your life situation – through systemic analysis you can shed new light on your concerns, gain a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of action and find starting points for new options for action.
Understanding the systemic relationships makes quantum leaps possible.
With the help of systemic coaching and system constellations you can find new perspectives. You can develop powerful new solutions and implement sustainable changes!
Systemic Coaching – Occasions
Through coaching you can…
Systemic solutions for different areas of life
Complex topics are particularly suitable for a systemic approach. By considering all influencing factors, previously unconscious variables come into view and you can find new solutions. There are suitable systemic coaching and constellation formats for different topics, which we can tailor to you and combine as required.
Many organizational, professional and personal issues can be effectively dealt with using family and system constellations.
Typical questions particularly suitable for systemic constellation work arise for executives in complex organisations and in family businesses:
- Executives – Decision making in complex environments
- Family businesses – Solving family related issues
Executives – Decision making in complex environments
Family businesses – Solving family related issues
Systemic coaching and system constellations – Our offer
On the basis of a deep systemic understanding, individual breakthroughs and successful organizational changes become possible. Reshaping relationships enables lasting improvements.
In addition to classic systemic procedures, we offer you system constellations or family constellations in individual coaching or in a group setting.
- The individual setting is particularly suitable for managers and specialists as well as top decision-makers who want to clarify issues for themselves first.
- The group setting offers deep learning from immersing oneself in a variety of topics and obtaining additional impulses from other stand-ins.
All topics can be discussed – personal, professional and organisational issues. Depending on the topic, different methods are used in order to process your individual request in the best possible way.
We offer the following formats:
Systemic Coaching
- In individual coaching (on professional or private topics), we also cover systemic aspects as required. We work with systemic questioning techniques and system figures.
Constellations with Game Pieces
- As part of individual coaching, we can use figure constellations for particularly complex systemic topics.
- We also use figures to visualize team dynamics in team workshops. For this format workshops for small teams with up to 4 participants are suitable.
Open Constellation Seminars
- These seminars are open to individuals – therefore very different topics are dealt with. This makes the Constellation Days a thematically and emotionally very rich experience.
- In our open systemic constellation seminars, real people act as representatives in the constellations. This results in unexpected new insights.
In-house Seminars
- We offer constellations for companies and organizations. We would be happy to set up company-specific constellation days or in-house organizational constellations for your company.
- These seminars focus on teams (up to about 12 participants) – with the aim of exploring team dynamics and overarching issues.