Team Coaching / Leadership Development

Team Development with Insights Discovery®

Insights Discovery® Preference Profile - Personality Profile - Color Model of Personality

Would you like to help your managers and teams realize their full potential? With the Insights Discovery® system, we offer you a powerful personality profile to increase self-awareness, improve communication and boost motivation. With dynamic team workshops and individual coaching, we decode your team dynamics and sharpen the effectiveness of your managers.

How can you use Insights Discovery® profiles?

Based on Insights Discovery® preference profiles, you can understand strengths and weaknesses, improve leadership skills and develop your team:

Auf der Grundlage von Insights Discovery® Präferenz-Profilen können Sie Ihre Stärken und Schwächen verstehen, Ihre Führungsqualitäten verbessern und Ihr Team entwickeln:

  • Creation of personality profiles – understanding personality and behavioral differences / strengthening self-reflection
  • Workshop for team development
    • Develop a common language for personality and behavioural differences
    • Tools for conflict resolution and communication
  • Tools for team management and leadership

In team workshops based on detailed profiles, different characters in the team learn to understand each other better and deal with each other more constructively.

The Insights Discovery Personality Profile

The Insights Discovery profile is a psychological measurement tool that measures essential individual character traits and summarises them in a practical model. Four color energies are used, which visually depict certain behavioural patterns.

These characteristics are collected in a compact online personality questionnaire. After completing the questionnaire, participants receive a 20- to 40-page personality profile (depending on the desired scope), which breaks down the various personality components.

Why Insights Discovery?

The advantage of the Insights Discovery system is that it assesses the complexity of human behaviour based on few key dimensions that can be quickly understood and practically applied by your managers and employees. At the same time, the combination of color energies results in an accurate representation that reflects the complexity of the personality.

In this way, your team can learn the basic language of color energies and personality types in one day.


Dimensions of Personality

  • Introversion vs. Extraversion
  • Thinking vs. Feelling
  • Senses vs Intuition

Based on the personality types of Carl Gustav Jung

Scientifically validated


Basic Color Energies

Insights Discovery® - 4 Color Energies

Basic Personality Types

Insights Discovery® - 8 Types

Positions – thousands of Variations

Insights Discovery® - 72 Types Wheel

Insights Discovery Preference Profile – Modules and Contents

Depending on the scope of the modules booked, the evaluation of the test covers approximately 20-40 pages, clearly explaining how the personality shows up in the professional environment.

Insights Discovery® - Profile Cover


  • Personal style
  • Interaction with others
  • Making decisions
  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Value to the team
  • Effective communication
  • Obstacles in communication
  • Blind spots
  • Suggestions for further development


  • How can you manage the person?
  • How can you motivate the person
  • Ideal work environment
  • Management style

Sales Effectiveness

  • Selling style
  • Preparation of sales meetings
  • Identifying the needs
  • Proposing
  • Handlung buying resistance
  • Closin

Personal Development

  • Living with purpose
  • Time management and life quality
  • Creativity and life long learning
  • Learning style


  • Interview questions
  • Challenging questions

Team-Workshop – Process

Step 1

Personality Profiles

  • Online-Assessment: 15-20 Minutes are sufficient for a detailed assessment of individual preferences
  • Creation of personality profiles
  • Preparation of the team workshop
Step 2

Workshop for Your Team

  • Introduction to the personality model
  • Common language for your team
  • Usually a one day workshop
  • Can also take place online
Step 3

Coaching Conversation

  • During the workshop or individually
  • Understand your own profile / Recognize strengths
  • Analyzing dynamics with colleagues / superiors
  • Analyzing vulnerabilities
Step 4

Taking Action

  • Make new decisions
  • Take action
  • Apply learned behavior
  • Practice new behavior

Contact – Let’s Talk about Leadership & Team Development!

  • Your Needs
  • Team / Individual
  • Your Goals
  • Contact

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