Please refer to the German version of this page
This page is merely a convenience translation of selected site info / legal information required for a German webpage.
Please refer to the German version of this page for comprehensive and legally valid information: Impressum
Volker Dammann
Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie
Value Added Tax ID (VAT ID)
according to §27 a Value Added Tax Act (Umsatzsteuergesetz):
Please Note:
- Medical activities are exempt from value added tax in accordance with § 4 Nr. 14 Value Added Tax Act (Umsatzsteuergesetz).
- Coaching, psychological consulting and supervision are subject to value added tax.
- Training, consulting and other advisory services are subject to value added tax.
Occupational Title, Supervisory Authority and Professional Regulations
Legal Occupational Title
Heilpraktiker eingeschränkt für Psychotherapie
(Erlaubniserteilung am 20.05.2021 durch ausstellende Behörde: Ordnungsamt Frankfurt, Kleyerstraße 86, 60326 Frankfurt am Main, Bundesrepublik Deutschland)
Supervisory Authority
Gesundheitsamt Frankfurt
Breite Gasse 28, 60313 Frankfurt am Main, Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Professional regulations
- Gesetz über die berufsmäßige Ausübung der Heilkunde ohne ärztliche Bestallung (Heilpraktikergesetz), einsehbar unter - Erste Durchführungsverordnung zum Heilpraktikergesetz, einsehbar unter - Leitlinien zur Überprüfung von Heilpraktikeranwärter: innen und -anwärtern nach § 2 des Heilpraktikergesetzes in Verbindung mit § 2 Absatz 1 Buchstabe i der Ersten Durchführungsverordnung zum Heilpraktikergesetz, abrufbar unter
Membership of Professional Association
Member of Verband Freier Psychotherapeuten, Heilpraktiker für Psychotherapie und Psychologischer Berater e.V. (
Professional Regulations of the VFP e.V.:
Professional Indemnity Insurance
See German version of this page (Impressum).
Important Disclaimer
Some of the procedures described on this website are considered scientifically controversial and / or are not recognized by conventional medicine. The consequences of treatment described are based exclusively on empirical knowledge and do not represent a promise of cure or success.
Scientific research results on the effects of a treatment are not available for every coaching or therapy method. The specific course of a treatment also depends on many individual factors of the client.
Responsible editorially
Volker Dammann
Herbartstraße 21
D-60136 Frankfurt
Central contact point according to the Digital Services Act
Central contact point according to the Digital Services Act – DSA (Regulation (EU) 2022/265)
You can reach our central contact point for users and authorities according to Art. 11, 12 DSA as follows:
The languages available for contact are: German, English.
Dispute Resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS):
Our e-mail address can be found above in Site Info.
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute settlement procedures in front of a consumer arbitration board.
Imprint also for Social Media, Search Engine Profiles and other Websites
For the scope of application of this site info, please see the German version of this page (Impressum).
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A list of image copyrights / creators can be found here: Image Sources